Twenty-five Norwegian healing trees av Terje Eugen Holthe (Ebok)

Twenty-five Norwegian healing trees (Ebok)

poems perspectives photos


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2023
Antall sider: 136
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 29.6 MB
Filformat: PDF
Forlag: Juniperus forlag
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Femogtyve norske helbredende trær
ISBN/EAN: 9788293371472
Omtale Twenty-five Norwegian healing trees
Twenty-five Norwegian Healing Trees.

Whether you are interested in feng shui, Bach's flower remedies, or human design, you will be able to enjoy this collection of poems. It consists of two parts. The first part contains poems and photos of twenty-five common Norwegian trees. The second part deals with plant nature and natural medicine. There are sections on:
the five elements used in feng shui and traditional Chinese medicine
trees as flower medicine and 10 of the trees in the book that are used as flower essences
trees as archetypes, and with reference to human design.

As I see it, each tree can represent a hexagram from the Chinese "I'Ching - Book of Transformations"; a hexagram corresponds to the 64 gates in the human design chart. The book ends with an overview of the twenty-five tree archetypes. Here you can see which qualities the different trees represent.

With this perspective on trees, you will be able to create balance in life by using them:
in the form of feng shui by planting the tree you know you need in your garden
as flower remedies
to tune in to the qualities one needs, either by direct contact with the tree or indirectly by meditating on the tree, by reading a poem about it or through visualising the tree.

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