All the roads I walked av Terje Eugen Holthe (Ebok)

All the roads I walked (Ebok)

an anthology of the design of human nature


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 1920
Antall sider: 114
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 25.79 MB
Filformat: PDF
Forlag: Juniperus forl.
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788293371304
Omtale All the roads I walked
"All the Roads I Walked - An Anthology of the Design of Human Nature Essays and Poems Selection and texts" by Terje Eugen Holthe is an anthology from the East and the West. In the first text the author explores the patterns inherent in the "I'Ching - The Book of Changes".
"I'Ching" consists of 64 archetypes describing the process of development in man, and each of the archetypes has 6 stages of unfoldment also called lines. The 6 lines are an integral part of the Human Design system that was revealed in 1986. Since then Human Design has gradually become known to be a reliable system describing the human being.
The texts and poems in the anthology, from different cultures and times, have been selected as examples of this basic pattern in 6 stages describing the nature of man.
T. E. Holthe has worked professionally with Human Design since 2008. 141 pages. 26.0 MB

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Bokmål Ebok 2020

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