The waiter (Heftet)


Alice Menzies (Oversetter)

Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2018
Antall sider: 240
Forlag: Doubleday
Språk: Engelsk
Oversatt av: Menzies, Alice
ISBN/EAN: 9780857525857
Omtale The waiter
Welcome to The Hills, Oslo's most esteemed restaurant, an institution stewed in tradition and clinging to the faded grandeur of old Europe.
A neurotic waiter tends to the desires of his clientele. Aristocrats and artistes, wealthy widows and roguish entrepreneurs, he observes all their dramas with a wit as sharp as a filleting knife. At table ten sits the impeccable Mr Graham, impatiently awaiting a special guest. When at last she arrives - young, beautiful, mysterious - she will prove to be a challenging new flavour, threatening both our waiter's nerves, and the delicately balanced ingredients of the room.

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