Ethics av Tore Audun Høie (Ebok)

Ethics (Ebok)

the future of management


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2015
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 2.32 MB
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Fringilla publ.
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788283280302
Omtale Ethics
Ethics can be good for business, and success. Concentrating on stakeholders, especially customers, helps profits. Motivated employees are good for creativity. Owners like .strong", sustainable companies with little risk. Examples of ethically successful companies are presented. Based partly on World standard ISO 26000.
Tore Audun Høie has wide experience from consultancy, teaching, writing and investing. Helped make ISO 26000, early investor in Algeta, developing a pioneering cancer treatment. Now teaching Ethical Management.

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Engelsk Innbundet 2015