Banned in the UK av Trygve Mathiesen (Ebok)

Banned in the UK (Ebok)

Sex Pistols exiled to Oslo 1977


Lorraine O'Keeffe (Oversetter)

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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2012
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 4.51 MB
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Melhus Communication
Språk: Engelsk
Oversatt av: O'Keeffe, Lorraine
ISBN/EAN: 9788299716666
Omtale Banned in the UK
Enjoy a rock music time travel to the seventies! This unusual elegant ebook about the legendary Sex Pistols concert at Pingvin Club in Oslo July 20, 1977, written by Trygve Mathiesen with Harry Nordskog as co-researcher, contains witness reports from the gig, after parties, press conference and the complete list of spectators. Besides first-hand re-tale of the actual gig and great analyses of the Sex Pistols philosophy and influence on the music business, the ebook presents lots of previously unpublished photos of the band. As eyewitness Asle Kristiansen observes, "it was probably the first time in 15 years that rock was 'dirty' again".

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Banned in the UK
Engelsk Heftet 2010